
Our Principals

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Anthony G.P. Marini

Tony Marini is the president of dtm Associates. He has over 35 years experience in the areas of electronics, semiconductors and micro-electronics. Tony started dtm Associates in 1989 as a part-time consultancy, ultimately becoming a full time consultant in 1998. He formerly held engineering and management positions with Unitrode Corporation (Lexington, MA) and Stratus Computer (Marlborough, MA) and he has designed many products for commercial, industrial, military and space applications. He has extensive electronic circuit design and analysis and system architecture experience, as well as with the CAD tools required to support these activities.

Tony is also an expert in the area of system reliability prediction and failure modes, as well as in the area of EMC/EMI design and problem remediation. He has published numerous technical papers and has been a presenter at technical conferences and symposia.

He earned his BSEE and MSEE from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, MA) and is a member of the IEEE and IMAPS. He has held many elected and appointed positions in local government and has served as a director on the boards of several charitable organizations. His resume is found HERE.


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